Blue light. It’s something we’ve all heard about, but many of us are unsure about the actual impact that blue light can have on our vision. In order to fully understand how blue light may be affecting you, it’s important to stay informed on what blue light is, and that’s what we here at The Optical Shoppe aim to do.  

What is Blue Light? 

Blue light is one of the highest energy forms of visible light that we come into contact with on a daily basis. Because of it’s high energy, blue light has the ability to penetrate through our cornea where other coloured light would be absorbed. This means that blue light has the ability to interact directly with our retina and although it hasn’t been scientifically confirmed, some optical professionals feel that this interaction could be damaging our retinal cells. 

When did Blue Light Become Such a Big Deal? 

Blue light has always been around in the form of natural light coming from the sun. Since the sun only affects us when we are outside, we could protect ourselves from blue light by being indoors for a large portion of the day. In the past few decades, advancements in technology have allowed us to bring blue light with us when we go inside in the form of lamps, phones, computers and television screens. Blue light becomes a bigger deal every time we add a screen to our home or office. 

If Blue Light is Already in my Home, What Can I Do? 

The most effective way to protect yourself against blue light is with blue light lenses. These lenses are made with a coating that reflects blue light away from your eyes, keeping your retinas blue light free whenever you need them to be. Many people find these lenses work best for them in situations where they may be sitting in front of a monitor for extended periods of time, like at work or playing a video game. 

So Blue Light is Always Bad for You, Right? 

Not exactly. Many optical professionals disagree on the effect of blue light on the eye, with some saying that it definitely has an effect on eye health while others believe that blue light is of minor concern and can actually be helpful in certain circumstances. At The Optical Shoppe, we think that you should do what is best for you. Every eye is different and everyone’s sensitivity to blue light is different so if you’re struggling with your screens, we think it can’t hurt to give it a try. 

How do I know if I should try blue light lenses? 

One of the most common symptoms of blue light sensitivity is dry eye. When we look at a screen, we tend to blink less which allows more blue light in. The blue light causes dryness and the slowed blinking creates less opportunity for relief from that dryness. Another common symptom is fatigue. Since natural blue light from the sun helps our bodies to differentiate between day and night, the artificial blue light from our phones and TV screens can trick our bodies into thinking it is daytime again. This leads to poor sleep, which creates the feeling of fatigue throughout your day. Other symptoms include: migraines, eyestrain, blurry vision and an inability to focus. If you are experiencing these symptoms, then it might be time to consider blue light lenses.